Address: 17 Carlisle St, Saint Kilda, Victoria, 3182, Australia
$5 Basics and Wine $6 Selected Premium Spirits $7 House Pints $14 House Jugs
$4 Vodkas
$6 Vodkas and Wines
50c Wings
$5 Gin and Rum (FREE TRIVIA)
$4 Tacos
$5 El Jimador Tequila and $10 Margaritas
Frequency: Every dayEvery weekOn a date rangeOn a specific dayOther
When is this happening?
FIVE SPARROW...Cafe38.2km away
CASA DE PIZZ...Restaurant21.22km away
DERRIMUT HOT...Bar15.79km away
MONSIEUR DUP...Cafe18.14km away
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