Specialty coffee and jaffles in Frankston

Address: 4 Wells St, Frankston, Victoria, 3199, Australia

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Union Hotel - $15 250g Porterhouse Steak with Chips and Salad and your choice of sauce., Thu, 12:00-21:00

The Nixon Hotel - $15 Lunch Specials (rotating dishes daily), Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri, 12:00-15:00

Barzar Lounge Saint Kilda - Big breakfast 15 Burgers 15 (Southern fried chicken burger Grill beef burger Fish burger Veg burger )all burgers come with chips Port house Steak 17 Chicken parma 17

The Phoenix Hotel - $15 Weekday Lunch Specials in the a la carte Bistro!

100% Success

The Little Indian Cafe - Weekend all in for $15

Queen Street Rescue - $12 lunch menu, a selection of varying dishes available at just $12, add a glass of house wine for $5, Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri, 12:00-15:00

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