BIELLA CONTEMPORARY PIZZA BAR, Highgate Adelaides best pizza Family owned business located at 467 fullarton road, highgate 5063

Address: 9/467 Fullarton Rd, Highgate, South Australia, 5063, Australia

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Lord Melbourne Hotel - $12 steaks, Thu Fri, 12:00-21:00

BarZaar - Happy Hour everyday 5PM-7PM 'Beer & Bubbles' $4 glasses of bubbles & house wine, $4.50 schooners, $5.50 pints, All Week, 17:00-19:00

Union Hotel - 5pm - 7pm Local beer pints $5.70, Imperial 7.60,; cider and premium pints $6.20, Imperial $8.30,, Mon Tue Wed Thu, 17:00-19:00

The Astor Hotel - $15 Burger & Peroni Red Deal, Thu, 17:00-22:00

The Original Coopers Alehouse - 5pm-7pm $5 coopers pints, $3.50 wine, Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri, 17:00-19:00

Harry's Bar - $10 burger and beverage, All Week, 12:00-19:30

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